Conflict Free

Conflict diamonds, also known as “blood diamonds” are diamonds illegally traded to fund conflict in war-torn areas. Illicit rough diamonds have been used by rebels to fund conflicts in Sierra Leone, Angola, Liberia, Ivory Coast, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo. At Arah James all the diamonds we use are conflict-free, meaning they come from responsible sources not involved in the barbaric industry. Diamonds are mined throughout the world, including major mines in Australia, Africa, Russia and Canada. Diamonds are a major source of good in many African nations, employing and providing healthcare to thousands.


The Kimberley Process

We are a signatory of the Kimberley process, an international process to track and certify diamonds from mine to market. The industry in partnership with the United Nations, governments, and non-governmental organisations, such as Global Witness and Partnership Africa Canada, monitors diamond exports to prevent the trade of illegal diamonds.

Responsible Mining

We work to ensure that our gold and metals come from suppliers that meet the highest human rights, social, and environmental criteria, researching mining, refinement, and manufacturing practices of gold that moves through the supply chain. Commit to increased gold sourcing from recycled and secondary sources.